It is not the Malaysian way to risk getting in trouble with the law. So why do this people risk all they have to fight againts this unfair law.
In response to criticism that the ISA was not democratic or was too open to abuse, the first internal security minister, Ismail Abdul Rahman, stated:
“ I maintained then and I maintain now the view that the Internal Security Act is essential to the security of this country especially when democracy is interpreted the way it is interpreted in this country. To those in opposition to the government democracy is interpreted to mean absolute freedom, even the freedom to subvert the nation. When cornered by the argument that democracy in the Western sense means freedom in an ordered society and an ordered society is one in which the rule of law prevails, they seek refuge in the slogan that we should imitate Western democracy one hundred per cent.
I am convinced that the Internal Security Act as practiced in Malaysia is not contrary to the fundamentals of democracy. Abuse of the Act can be prevented by vigilant public opinion via elections, a free Press and above all the Parliament.[2]
At the moment:
Several opposition parties such as the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS), the Democratic Action Party (DAP) and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) have spoken out against the ISA. Many of them have leaders or prominent members who were held under the ISA, such as Muhammad Sabu of PAS, Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh and Lim Guan Eng of the DAP, and Anwar Ibrahim of the PKR. Previously in the 1960s, the law had been denounced by such opposition leaders as Tan Chee Khoon, who said:
“ This infernal and heinous instrument has been enacted by the Alliance Government at a time when the emergency was supposed to be over. Then it promptly proceeds to embody all the provisions of the Emergency Regulations which during the Emergency had to be re-enacted every year, but now it is written into the statute book ad infinitum...[6] ”
However, several politicians from the Barisan Nasional coalition, including its largest component party, the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO or Umno), that has governed Malaysia since independence have also criticised the ISA. The fifth Prime Minister of Malaysia, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, went on the record in 1988 to state "If we want to save Malaysia and Umno, Dr Mahathir (then Prime Minister) must be removed. He uses draconian laws such as the Internal Security Act to silence his critics." The year before, he had also stated "Laws such as the Internal Security Act have no place in modern Malaysia. It is a draconian and barbaric law." In 2003 when he became Prime Minister, however, Abdullah called the ISA "a necessary law," and argued "We have never misused the Internal Security Act. All those detained under the Internal Security Act are proven threats to society." But opposition parties believe it is a threat to Umno rather than a threat to the country.
Prior to becoming Prime Minister, Mahathir had also adhered to a critical view of the ISA. In 1966, when Mahathir spoke out in support of the Internal Security (Amendment) Bill 1966 as a backbencher, he stated that "no one in his right senses like[s] the ISA. It is in fact a negation of all the principles of democracy."[6] After becoming Prime Minister however the former premier had little if any hesitation using the law to suppress what he termed racialism but was seen by some as a move against his political opponents, the most notable of events being the infamous Operasi Lalang in 1987.
The following list shows known current and former detainees under the Internal Security Act. The list is incomplete.
Year, Name, Detention Period, Role Reason for Detention
1960, 5th November, midnight Koh Pak Ngee Socialist Front (SF) Assistant Secretary General, Chief Editor of NYALA, the SF Chinese language party organ, SF Parliamentary candidate for 1959 General Election
1960, 5th November, midnight Foo Seong Foh Age 24, technician of National Electric Board, Chairman of Labour Party Malaya (LMP) Jinjang branch, elected student councillor in 1957, Chairman of Jinjang local council
1960, 5th November, midnight Chan Pin Kin Age 27, Assistant Secretary of LPM Jinjang branch, elected Jin Jang Local Councillor in April 1960
1960, 5th November, midnight chen po an Treasurer, Parti Rakyat Malaya (PRM) Ampang Branch
1960, 5th November, midnight Li Jian Xing Secretary, PRM Petaling Jaya Branch
1960, 5th November, midnight Tang Bing Ying Secretary, SF Selangor State
1960, 5th November, midnight Chen Hai Chou Exco, PRM Perak State cum Chairman, PRm Ipoh Branch
1960, 5th November, midnight Liu Xiao Houa Age 25, Secretary LPM Jinjang Branch , salesman
1960, 5th November, midnight Hu Rong Shen Treasurer, PRM Perak State cum Chairman, PRM Ipoh Branch
1960, 5th November, midnight Li Wen Qing Member,LPM Jinjang Banch
1960, 5th November, at dawn Gu Tian Fu Age 21, Worker of Serdang Vew Village Local Council, former Jonior 3 student of Chung Huwa High School Kuala Lumpur , detained on 1 October 1985 under the Emergency Ordinace 1948(EO) for almost a year.
1960, 5th November, at dawn Huang Hai Qiu Age 22, Former Junior @ student of Tsun Jin High School Kuala Lumpur, detained on 1 October 1958 for a year plus, released in December 1959, worker of the Serdang New Village Local Council
1960, 5th November, at dawn Yang Nan Xun Worker in the Serdang Vew Village Local Council, foemer Senior @ student of Confucian High School Kuala Lumpur r, detained on 1 october 1958 for a year, relased with conditions.
1960, 5th November, at dawn Liang Wen Hong Age 23,Worker of Serdang Vew Village Local Council, former Junior 2 student of Chung Hwa High School kuala Lumpur , later studied in a private English school, detained on 1 October 1958, released on conditions a year later.
1960, 5th November, midnight Ma Hui Qun Age 24, Female teache, charged in court, detained again upon payment of fine
1960, 5th November, midnight Ma Ming Xin@Ma Jin Age 22
1960, 2th November Shi Song An insurance company staff
1960, 5th November, midnight Jian Hua Yang Age 18, Senior 1 student of Han Chiang High School Penang, Discharged by court but detained again by police.
1960, 12th November, midnight Jin De Sun Age 18,Senior 1 student of Han Chiang High School Penang, Discharged by court but detained again by police.
1960, 10th November, midnight Su Zhu Tai Age 15, Junior student of Chung Hwa High school Kuala Lumpur
1960, 10th November,midnight Chen Zhang Age 15,Junior student of Chung Hwa High School Kuala Lumpur
1960, 10th November, at 5.20am Zhong De Ling (F) age 15,Senior 3 student of Chung Hwa High School Kuala Lumpur
1960, 10th November Qiu An Student
1960, 10th November Kong Me Student
1960, 10th November Kang Zi Kai Student
1960, 10th November Lin Hui Huang Teacher
1960, 10th November He Hui Fang Student
1960, 10th November Tan Xin Jie Student
1960, 10th November Fok Yee Seng Student
1960, 20th November,at 6.15am Chen Ya Xi @ Chen Yu Reng Age 17,Senior student of Hua Kiao High Shool Singapore
1960, 20th November,at 6.15am He Guang Peng St Michael Secondary English Shool
1960, 20th November,at 6.15am Liu Xing Mei (F) Senior student of Hua Kiao High School
1960, 10th November Soo Bing Choon Age 30,Secretary General, the Malayan Federation of Pineapple Workers Unions
1960, 10th November Zhen Zhong Rong Age 19, PRM member.
1961, 14th January, at dawn Chen Xiu Lian Age 21, Female Student
1961, 14th January, at dawn Zhen Shi Sheng Age 18, Rubber tapper Student
1961, 14th January, at dawn Lai Bing Zhang Age 25
1961, 14th January, at dawn Ye Guo Zhong Age 21 Senior Student of Confucian High School Kuala Lumpur
1961, 14th January, at dawn Qiu Yu Jiao (F) Age 19, Rubber tapper
1961, 14th January, at dawn Liu Guo Chang Age 19, Rubber tapper
1961, 14th January, at dawn Chen Si Ting Age 24,Treasurer, PRM Semenyih Branch, rubber tapper.
1961, 14th January, at dawn Jiang Jing Hua Age 22
1974 Anwar Ibrahim 20 months student protester
1987 Lim Kit Siang 2 Years DAP Secretary General Operation Lalang
1987 Chandra Muzaffar released either conditionally or unconditionally ALIRAN President Chandra Muzaffar Operation Lalang
1987 Chan Kit Chee released either conditionally or unconditionally MCA Vice President and Perak Operation Lalang
1987 Karpal Singh 2 Years DAP Deputy Chairman Operation Lalang
1987 Halim Arshat released either conditionally or unconditionally PAS Youth Chief Operation Lalang
1987 Ibrahim Ali released either conditionally or unconditionally UMNO MP for Pasir Mas Operation Lalang
1987 Fahmi Ibrahim released either conditionally or unconditionally UMNO Youth Education Operation Lalang
1987 Dong Jiao Zhong released either conditionally or unconditionally Chinese Education Associations Operation Lalang
1987 Lim Fong Seng released either conditionally or unconditionally Chairman Chinese Education Associations Operation Lalang
1987 Kua Kia Soong released either conditionally or unconditionally Publicity Chief of the Civil Rights Committee Operation Lalang
1987 Irene Xavier released either conditionally or unconditionally WAO Member Operation Lalang
1987 Hilmy Noor released either conditionally or unconditionally accused for "disrupting the Malay culture by being a Christian" Operation Lalang
1990-1991 Abdul Rahman Ahmad Assistant Superintendent of Police, Special Branch arrested during Operation Talkak
1990-1991 Albinus Yudah opposition party member, member of Kadazan Cultural Association arrested during Operation Talkak
1990-1991 Benedict Topin opposition party member, Executive Secretary of Kadazan Cultural Association arrested during Operation Talkak
1990-1991 Damit Undikai retired Special Branch police officer arrested during Operation Talkak
1990-1991 Jeffrey Kitingan opposition politician, director of the Institute for Development Studies arrested during Operation Talkak
1990-1991 Maximus Ongkili deputy chief director of the Institute for Development Studies arrested during Operation Talkak
1990-1991 Vincent Chung administrator, Sabah Foundation arrested during Operation Talkak
1998 Anwar Ibrahim Sodomy and corruption (Deputy Prime Minister)
2001 Yazid Sufaat Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2001 Suhaimi_Mokhtar Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2001 Raja Petra Kamarudin 52 days Blogger of Malaysia Today
2002 Dr Abdullah Daud 6 years Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2002 Shamsuddin Sulaiman 6 years Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2002 Mat Shah Mohd Satray 6 years Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2002 Abdul Murad Sudin 6 years Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2002 Zaini Zakaria 6 years Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist Not known (Still detained at KDC - ATP 2580/03)
2002 Zainun Rashid 6 years Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2003 Wan Amin Wan Hamat 6 years Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2003 Sulaiman Suramin 6 years Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2003 Sufian Salih 6 years Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2003 Mohd Khaider Kadran 6 years Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist (Leader) Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2003 Hasim Talib 6 years Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2004 Zakaria bin Samad 4 years Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist - Indonesian National Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2004 Ahmad Zakaria 4 years Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist - Indonesian National Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2004 Terhamid bin Dahalan 4 years Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist - Indonesian National Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2005 Abdul Rahman Ahmad @ Deraman Koteh 4 years Alleged militant separatist of Thailand Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2005 Mahfudi Saifuddin 4 years Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist - Indonesian National Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2005 Mulyadi 4 years Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist - Indonesian National Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2005 Arifin 4 years Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist - Indonesian National Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2005 Mat Tarmizi Zakaria 4 years Alleged Thai separatist Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2005 Lai Kin Choy 4 years Alleged counterfeiter Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2006 A Artas A Burhanuddin 2 years Alleged member of "Darul Islam Sabah" from Tawau Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2006 Francis Indanan 2 years Alleged member of "Darul Islam Sabah" from Tawau Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2006 Mohd Nazri Dollah 2 years Alleged member of "Darul Islam Sabah" from Tawau Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2006 Mohd Arasad Patangari 2 years Alleged member of "Darul Islam Sabah" from Tawau Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2006 Adzmi Pindatun 2 years Alleged member of "Darul Islam Sabah" from Tawau Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2006 Idris Lanama 2 years Alleged member of "Darul Islam Sabah" from Klang Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2006 Aboud Ghafar Shahril 2 years Indonesian; Alleged member of "Darul Islam Sabah" Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2006 Jeknal Adil 2 years stateless; Alleged member of "Darul Islam Sabah" Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2006 Binsali Omar 2 years Filipino (Malaysian PR); Alleged member of "Darul Islam Sabah" Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2006 Husin Alih 2 years Filipino national; Alleged member of "Darul Islam Sabah" Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2006 Yussof Mohd Salam 2 years Filipino national; Alleged member of "Darul Islam Sabah" Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2006 Abd Jamal Azahari 2 years Filipino national; Alleged member of "Darul Islam Sabah" Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2006 Pakana Selama 2 years PR status; Alleged member of "Darul Islam Sabah" Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2006 Kasem Dayama 2 years Foreign national; Alleged foreign agent Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2006 Shaykinar Guat 2 years stateless; Alleged member of "Darul Islam Sabah" Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2006 Argadi Andoyok 2 years stateless; Alleged member of "Darul Islam Sabah" Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2006 Ng How Chuang 2 years Alleged document falsification Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2006 Ng Keat Seng 2 years Alleged document falsification Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2006 Mohd Azuan b Aniffa 2 years Alleged foreign agent Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2007 Mohd Faizol Shamsudin 2 years Alleged foreign agent Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2007 Zulfikli Abu Bakar]] 2 years Alleged foreign agent Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2007 Zulfikli Marzuki 2 years Alleged JI involvement Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2007 Amir Hussain 2 years Foreign national; Alleged document falsification Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2007 Mohd Nasir Ismail 2 years Alleged JI involvement Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2007 Ahmad Kamil Hanafiah 2 years Alleged JI involvement Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2007 Muh Amir Hanafiah 2 years Alleged JI involvement Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2007 Tan Choon Chin 2 years Alleged document falsification Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2007 Mavalavan 2 years Alleged foreign agent Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2007 Lian Kok Heng 2 years Alleged foreign agent Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2007 Sundaraj Vijay 2 years Foreign national; Alleged document falsification Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2007 San Khaing 2 years Foreign national; Alleged document falsification Not known (Still detained at KDC)
2007 K. Kengadhadran 2 years Hindu Rights Action Force activist (Lawyer) Organize Hindraf mass rally in KL November 2007 (Still detained at KDC)
2007 M. Manoharan 2 years Hindu Rights Action Force activist (Lawyer) Organize Hindraf mass rally in KL November 2007 (Still detained at KDC)
2007 P. Uthayakumar, 2 years Hindu Rights Action Force activist (Lawyer) Organize Hindraf mass rally in KL November 2007 (Still detained at KDC)
2007 T. Vasantha Kumar 2 years Hindu Rights Action Force activist (Lawyer) Organize Hindraf mass rally in KL November 2007 (Still detained at KDC)
2007 K. Ganabathi Rao 2 years Hindu Rights Action Force activist (Lawyer) Organize Hindraf mass rally in KL November 2007 (Still detained at KDC)
2008 Muhammad Zahid Haji Zahir Shah 2 years Not known Not known (Still detained at KDC - ATP 2703/2008)
2008 Shadul Islam 2 years Not known Not known (Still detained at KDC - ATP 2698/2008)
2008 Abdul Sathar Mohammad Sarjoon 2 years Not known Not known (Still detained at KDC - ATP 2699/2008)
2008 Faycal Mamdouh 2 years Not known Not known (Still detained at KDC - ATP 2700/2008)
2008 Mahamad Nakhrakhel 2 years Not known Not known (Still detained at KDC - ATP 2701/2008)
2008 Muhammad Shuaib Hazrat Bilal 2 years Not known Not known (Still detained at KDC - ATP 2702/2008)
2008 Raja Petra Kamarudin 56 days 2 hours 10 mins Blogger of Malaysia Today Accused of insulting islamic religion. Also charged with Sedition Act on an article titled "Let's Send the Altantuya Murderers to Hell" which was published on MalaysiaToday website [[1]]
2008 Tan Hoon Cheng 18 hours Journalist, Sin Chew Jit Poh Accused of writing a fact (on Ahmad Ismail's Incendiary Racist Remarks) that may (not) incite hatred among the (open-minded) Malay and (open-minded) Chinese. The Home Minister later explained she was detained as her security was threatened, which is ironically irrelevant
2008 Teresa Kok Suh Sim 7 days Member of Parliament, Seputeh Accused of insulting islamic religion (This political motivated accusation was made with the absence of evidence)
2008 Cheng Lee Whee 2 days Suaram activist, Johor Accused of insulting police[5] (This political motivated accusation also made with the absence of evidence)
Source: wikipedia and pic by byte.
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