Highly disappointing to hear that PKR wants to replace Mathematics and Science back into Malay. I for one have experienced the difficulty of studying Maths and Science in Malay at Kebangsaan School and then immediately continue my further studies in the UK. I did Engineering so you can imagine the terms and words used were completely different. Even tough i went for tuition's which were taught in English during my secondary schooling life. I still found it hard. Imagine those who were hard core Malays, Indians or Chinese.
I wont say it's impossible to catch up. I did eventually. But i did see my college mates who were Malays struggle because of this. The extent of books which are available in English is far greater and better for studying. To tell you the truth i studied my Accounts, Add Mathematics and Physics syllabus in English to pass those Papers.
Malaysia in a position where the security guard outside the building can converse in English but the Receptionist in The Lobby cant speak anything else except Malay. I'm not criticising the Malays but what I'm emphasising is that our Malaysian Education system doesn't give enough important to English.

Mahathir lately criticised the Chinese and Indians for being stubborn for refusing to let their children mix with the other races and study in a Kebangsaan School. He gave examples of France and Germany for upholding their language. True and i wont deny this. But this countries have a much more older history for their language. Yet they are able to speak English for business and enterprising. I believe all Malaysians can speak and understand Malay. Why even when i meet Malaysians abroad i warmly great and have a pleasant conversation in Malay. Every Malaysian I have meet overseas were always happy and proud to meet another fellow Malaysian and exchange a few words in Malay.
But regrettably my own mother tongue which is Tamil is in a disappointing state. Even tough i still can converse in Tamil. I would badly hurt the ears of a proper Tamil speaking person. Because Tamil was never given importance's in primary or secondary kebangsaan school so i never gave importance to it. I had to go for extra Tamil Classes when my friends were playing outside. So imagine the extent of my concentration in class.
I would highly recommend that Moral class should be scrapped and replaced with mother tongue classes. Why study moral for? All we did to for exams were remember all the moral values before the exam and immediately write down all the moral values onto the back of the question paper, if I'm not mistaken it was like 16 and 36 sub values. Then you read the question and see which were the closest in values required and answered the question. It wasn't a subject that gave me revelation or inspired me to be a better man. That's the truth for me. I cant speak for the others. This purely my experience and many of my friends. So maybe they can structure Mother Tongue subjects that gives importance to moral values.
The Malays can go for their Agama class while the Chinese and Indians can go for their Mother Tongue classes. If the government doesn't provide this then how can they condemn the Chinese and Indians who want to protect their language by sending their children to Chinese and Tamil Schools.
My friends who were educated in Tamil and Chinese School are in par with the kebangsaan students after leaving school. So why should they send their children for Kebangsaan Schools then? Example my cousins who are Eurasian that studied in Tamil Schools. The are part french yet speak beautiful Tamil because they studied in Tamil School. Kebangsaan Schools are good for racial bonding. My best friends till today are my buddies from Kebangsaan School. Who are Chinese, Indians and Malays. But if my culture and heritage is lost in my generation then what will become of my kids. Mother Tongue classes should be integrated into our education system and given importance. Because i believe Kebangsaan School provide a great deal of cultural and racial bonding between students.
I do not agree with Singapore education system at all. Except for their successful implementation of the Mother Tongue Syllabus. We can learn from others success and failures. Malaysian Education system is not up to standard with international education standards. A few good implementation are done to improve this so don't spoil it.

I really disappointed to hear Selangor MB Khalid Ibrahim interest in Building a Muslim Polytechnic college. Why can't it be for all. Why should the non Muslim tax payers pay the bill for such an institution? If it should be done then it should be fully privatised.
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