Why does a Selangor PKR deputy liaison chief needs to resign to gets things resolved?
Is Keadilan just another UMNO or is it selected few individuals Interest? Does Klang town need to transfer their bus station? Can't it be upgraded?
I spoke to my friends from klang. They agree that bus station does need it's upgrade but not move it totally 7-8km away. Imagine all the businessman's around there and it's convenience being in the heart of town. Already Malaysia has one of the worst integrated transportation system compared to it's other economic peers in Asia. It's sometimes just so hopeless to explain to foreigners how to get to a place that you just advice them to take the cab. But wait we have cab driver who haggle prices, chooses their passenger and destination and worst they are sometimes rude. Lets not go into the conditions of the taxi's. Crime rate is shocking.
Manickavasagam thank you for doing this. You prove that if check and balance in Pakatan Rakyat works or not. If PKR wants to be like UMNO then it will only drown as fast as it surfaced. I support Pakatan Rakyat totally but i want it to be a party that serves the people by the people and not by corruption and racial motivation. If it takes 1year or 10 years to be a Federal Government let it be. Build it with quality and not by quantity.
Manickavasagam is a responsible man. He is brave to make a change. Many in his position would have remained quiet to retain their position and popularity. But he choose do what is right. Why have a position that does not have a purpose? Would you want to be used just as a puppet for others to get political mileage? Like MIC? PKR is one party but it's backbone is their racial integration. If what we see is the fake side of PKR than we should not support them further. Hindraf that gave Pakatan Rakyat it's voice is now illegal and hiding. Shouldn't this people brought back into the mainstream to help produce results. What is Pakatan Rakyat doing? It's going to be 1 year since the came to power. 3 to 4 years from now is the next General Election. That's not very far away. We should shake the earth under Barisan Nasional and Build a stronger Foundation for Pakatan Rakyat. PR needs to field quality candidate for all constituency by the next General Election. So start moulding your man and women to bear the responsibility and vision.
Sometimes you read the junk statements from our federal government it's like hanging yourself in shame. There is no quality there. It's so frustrating you feel like punching some of them but patience is virtue. Except for Internet users. We need a sincere and dedicated government till then we shall be patient. I'm against Hudud law, that's for PAS. The government should never use religion to govern it's people of different believes. It will only cause havoc. MCA are just opportunist playing issues to garner back support. Shameless. Samy vellu please step down. I'm glad Devamany is the new Treasurer but MIC is a lost cause. sadly.
This is my 2009 New Years wish. A brighter Malaysia. A lot of mix opinions on Malaysia economy for 2009-2010. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise. Whatever it may produce, let's hope for the best. God Bless you Malaysia. Happy New Year!!
Bagan should lead the global way
5 weeks ago