MP Gopalakrihnan and his boys were arrested, 9 Hindraf leaders were arrested in this Permatang Pauh Election period. Why is this double standards happening? Don't tell me it was a total coincidence they all happen to be Indians. To uphold the truth we get beaten up. Being an MP and the police can whack him till he landed in hospital. If we dont stand up for our rights. This racial side lining will never stop. Firm and corrective actions need to be taken. Never by the use of violent but i think an act of civil disobedience should pave the way. We have about 2 weeks to see if Anwar is able to topple the government. If unsuccessful then Hindraf has to rise to the occasion and lead the movement to topple UMNO.If the police are not scared in doing that than imagine where they have put us as Malaysians.
I will refuse to obey to their orders and i will refuse to be treated second class. I was born here, my father was born here and my grandfather was born here and my children will born here. This is my home and my future.
Malaysia adalah untuk Malaysian. Malaysia adalah negara yang berbilang kaum. Di dunia sekarang hampir semua negara berbilang kaum. Adakah mereka berkelakuan seperti UMNO. Mengunakan isu isu agama and kaum untuk memegang kepada kuasa. Hancur UMNO, Hancurkan Politik berasas kaum.
Bagan should lead the global way
5 weeks ago
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