Where is the ring and who are the fighters? Subashini and S Shamala are the fighters? When a forum is eracted to discuss sensitive issues and controvesial Islam conversion in a lawful, respectful and proper manner. It is brought to the streets instead. Are you all uneducated fools? PKR Kulim-Bandar Baharu parliamentarian Zulkifli Noordin and PAS Youth chief Salahuddin Ayub and Zulkifli who are the idiots incharge of this protest.
Do you know how many families suffer because issues like this were never given enough importance? Torn between two worlds. Not knowing which side of law protects them. This has nothing to do with islam. It's about having legitimate laws that defines cases like this. People like you are irrisponsible. This is why malaysia needs democracy. We are not a democracy. If we were then the police would have given all the neccesary protection to ensure that this forum went thru sucessfully. 15 police officers? Are you kidding me? What happen to all the tax payers money? Corrupted to the core this government.
The protesters, many of whom are from Muslim welfare organsation Perkida and Islamic party PAS, shouted, “Hancur Bar Council” (Crush Bar Council), “Hidup Islam” (Long Live Islam) and “Batal forum” (Cancel the forum).
They are carrying placards saying “Jangan cabar Islam” (Don’t challenge Islam) and “Bar Council, Don’t play with fire”.
Shouts of “babi”, “pengkhianat” and “balik China” were heard as forum participants trickled out of the venue.
Seriously does this look like a people who are aware of their actions. You hurl such words to other non-muslim and you tell that this forum is a form of provocation against Muslims.
The government allowed the forum to be carried out and the let a protest to be carried and forced it to close. I wouldn't be surprised as the government has been having alot of political practices with handling crowds since late last year.
This time they didn't use water cannon or their bats. Reason given by Dang Wangi police chief ACP Zulkarnain Abdul Rahman. “If we were to take action, nobody will be safe here,” he said, nothing that the initially passive crowd and turned more aggressive as the demonstration wore on. All of a sudden Malaysian police have been educated with common sense. How much did that cost the tax payers?
This is what UMNO as a government represents. Corrupted pratices. This incident is going to cause alot of dissatisfaction. Especially towards Pakatan Rakyat supporters.
Bagan should lead the global way
5 weeks ago
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