So dissapointing to see some of our Malaysian Malays behaving like this. If Malaysia wasn't multicultural. It wouldn't be what it is now. How long do you think you can be like this? All this will come down one day. It's best to look around us and learn that the globe is changing rapidly and we should start changing as well. God Save Malaysia.
Pewaris is backed by BN people thats why it's able to stage such things.

Found this on a Pewaris site as well. not sure what is our government doing about this. Pakatan Rakyat state government should put a stop to this nuts.
i dont know whats going on in Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteThis is totally cant acceptable.
why Malaysia Government not using ISA against
Guys.Think 1st, what will happen when chinese and
malays out from Malaysia.
You can boycott dont drink coca cola.
( i think USA should boycott all Muslim`s products enter USA when Muslim terrorist attack WTS).
they dint do it. because USA think about
Muslims in their country and they care and respect other races.
Let this PEwaris " KURANG AJAR"
Thanks to PM/PDRM just watch this kind of stupid banners displayed!
Hi, pewaris, umno itu jahat, should you jihad against that syaitan umno? umno najis lagi jahat, melari bini orang (rosmah) & meletup bini orang (altantuya), should you lanyat this bangsat?