There is a lot of criticism towards Anwar's approach to forming a Federal Government. A very hot topic. But If i was in Anwar's position. Being the Governments Number 1 target and being a man fighting for justice. There is no point i sit and let them kill me. I need to hit them hard and fast. Best before they do something to me. Kill or get killed. You only live once.
4 years from now where do you think Anwar would be? The biggest possibility is in jail. Counting the rest of his life in there or probably as self exiled. Living abroad somewhere is Turkey or London. Barisan National has seen the change in Malaysians. They know they are not current with the peoples thinking anymore. If they have decided their time is up they could launder every bit of wealth they can get their hands on and leave a crippled country to the opposition to carry on. Our country is already in such a bad shape. Our economy is doing so bad and people are suffering. We are already in such a state, do you really want to wait for another 4 years? Some say the Pakatan Rakyat government should concentrate in running the 5 states they already have. Lets be frank. Do you think BN will let them grow and flourish and make the other states envy of them? They would try their level best to tarnish and destroy their oppositions credibility before the next general election. That is BN and they have proven them self as such.
10 months ago we didn't even have an opposition government. We didn't have Pakatan Rakyat. I should give the credits to Hindraf and their movement who broke the gates of this Superficial Multiracial Multi ethnic Governance act. 10 months ago even i never thought it would be possible to stand up against UMNO. At last we are evolving. 50 years it took us to see light. And yet so many condemned the time is not right.
There is movie by the name of The Great Debaters by Danzel Washington about a true story. In it there is a women debating about civil disobedience used by Gandhi to bring down the British Government. During the same period this movie portrays. In it she questions "People say it is not time for the blacks to be given rights and equal citizenship. Fine! then tell me when is?" So lets stop kidding our self.
It does not take time, it takes a leader with a heart and mind to changed injustice and to instill pride to it's nation. That's why we have great leaders at times and hopeless ones too.
I should praise Dr. S.Subramaniam and Zaid Ibrahim for condemning the use of ISA by their government. During Mahathirs era we hardly heard any of the party members opinion. Mahathir was the only spokesperson for the entire government. Badawi is the total opposite.
Bagan should lead the global way
5 weeks ago
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