Our Ex PM blog site "chedet.com" reached a million visitors in one month and I reached only 100 visitors. Being a nobody i consider myself lucky to have even a single reader interested with my blog. I read his blog site today and i do have a few contradicting opinions with his. But i do appreciate and admire him in many ways. Despite my personal opinion that he is the one who should be blamed most for dividing the many ethnic minorities further and creating personal grudges towards the "So called Bumi's".
The word Bumiputra itself is so controversial. If i was born here. On this very same soil you were born on then that makes us both Bumi's. My grandfather was born here. So what makes me not a pure Bumiputra. The word itself is so influenced by Sanskrit.
Now the government protects the Malay by saying this land purely is a Malay soil. I've been to many countries. I've seen a few cultures and governments. Race does not rule a country. It is the people who do. The government cannot hide the truth forever. They can bend it till one fine day it will break and then I'm sure that even the word bumiputra would be changed. This might be far fetched or it could even be the near future but I'm sure of it. I don't desire to steal one's rice bowl or privileges. But I believe privileges is for the needy. If you think you need it then please apply. Because the government can use that money to help bring up our peoples standard of living. Because there is no way a country can subsidies everything to fight a global rise of commodity price. The basis of it is ridicules. How long can you go on doing it? The more you subsidies our basic cost of living the more vulnerable the people get. Then we all become puppets to the other power instead of the higher power. It is the same principle to fuel chargers for air travel. How long can you charge the people for it? At some point it's just going to sound silly. This country needs to be managed by people who are serious about progressing. Because we are so far behind in the world.
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.
Bagan should lead the global way
5 weeks ago